content: Formations au Voice Dialogue

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Formations et Ateliers en Uk

Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training


This experiential, process-oriented training is designed to provide a comprehensive grounding in the theory and practice of Voice Dialogue. It will give participants a powerful new tool that will complement their existing practice and enhance their ability to work with clients on a wide range of issues.

Each course is limited to 4 participants and is open to therapists, counsellors, coaches, health care practitioners and anyone working in the area of personal growth and development.

The training is structured over 4 workshops totalling 11 days, spaced over one year. It includes:

Workshop 1 - The Foundations: The theoretical framework and the basic methodology

Workshop 2 – Voice Dialogue and Relationships

Workshop 3 – The Inner-Critic, Dreams and Physical Symptoms

Workshop 4 – Beyond the Selves: Voice Dialogue as a psycho-spiritual practice

Each workshop will include supervised facilitation, demonstrations and personal feedback. After each workshop participants wil

Infos pratiques

Date : To be decided by participants
Durée : 60 11 1
Lieu Kew, West London,Uk

Contact :

John: +44 (0) 79411413777



Pour trouver plus d'informations sur la possibilité d'apprendre le Voice Dialogue de façon professionnelle, rendez-vous sur la page Devenir Facilitateur.trice.

Toutes les formations continues sont proposées par des facilitateurs répertoriés sur Voice Dialogue Europe. Certaines formations peuvent être proposées en collaboration avec d'autres formateurs ou facilitateurs.

Pour les formations internationales, voir Voice Dialogue International - Trainings.