68 Rue de la République PUTEAUX PUTEAUX France
Offers facilitations in:
Voice DIalog and Yoga Therapy
Current practice in Voice Dialogue: Full-time
Sara did not signed the International Voice Dialogue Agreement (IVDA)
Language(s): French, English, Arabic
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Trainer(s) |
VD teacher training | Brussels, Belgium | 01/2021- 07/2022 | 30 days | Myriam Ladeuze |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Trainer(s) |
/Voice Dialog | /Brussels, Belgium | /01/ 2021- 07/2022 | /30 days | Myriam Ladeuze |
* The most recent trainings
Key aspects of facilitation in Voice Dialogue |
Professional context |