content: Aggiornamento Professionale per Facilitatori

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Aggiornamento Professionale in Voice Dialogue in Germany

Trauma Training based on Voice Dialogue & the Energies of Selves


Most of our clients, and ourselves, have experienced trauma. There are many ways of working with trauma in the world today. Using Voice Dialogue brings new insights and healings.
Participants say: "Truly masterful teaching! I am truly blown away by this training, and wish that every Voice Dialogue Facilitator would take it.”
"This method is essential for working with trauma."
"An exceptional and meaningful training... Extraordinary... Generous... Brilliant..."

Informazioni pratiche

Data: 8 weeks (March 2-April 20) OR 4 days (April 14-17)
Durata: 24 hours total 8 weeks or 4 full days
Luogo: ONLINE,Germany / Estonia / Ne / France / Italy
Prezzo: $840, Early Bird, by February 10; Full Fee, after February 10, $940


Judith Hendin, +1 610-330-9778

Voice Dialogue - Theorie und Praxis


Jede/jeder, die an diesem Seminar teilnimmt erhält eine persönliche Sitzung. Die anderen schauen zu, notieren Fragen. Anhand dieser Fragen erläutere ich den theoretischen Hintergrund und wir diskutieren über grundlegende Begriffe.

Informazioni pratiche

Data: 4 Abende
Durata: 8 Stunden
Luogo: online,Switzerland / Germany / Austria
Prezzo: 320 sfr


Susanna Lerch

Se vuoi saperne di più sui percorsi per perseguire il Voice Dialogue come professione, vai alla pagina Diventa un Facilitatore.

Tutti gli aggiornamenti professionali sono offerte da facilitatori iscritti a Voice Dialogue Europe. Alcuni corsi possono essere offerti in collaborazione con altri insegnanti/facilitatori.

Per formazioni internazionali vedi Voice Dialogue International - Trainings.