Voice Dialogue and Transformational Psychology Training program
Purpose of the program
To be able to use Voice Dialogue and the principles of ‘the psychology of selves’ in one’s own practice.
In addition the training is aimed at deepening the personal process of the participants, which will result in more depth in their work with clients. We will work with deeper layers of consciousness, the awareness of the body and its energy fields and there will a focus on the development of one’s own spirituality.
The program is particularly suitable for people who wish to efficiently accompany clients who have questions around the following themes:
• questions of meaningfulness
• work-life balance
• stress and vitality
• setting limits
• coaching skills
• vision development
• relationship and teamwork
• important choices and decisions.
Date : every year
Durée : 156 20 1
Lieu Netherlands, Italy, Turkey,Netherlands / Italy
PrixSee website
Robert Stamboliev, +31 72 5818008/ +31 6 51607758
Pour trouver plus d'informations sur la possibilité d'apprendre le Voice Dialogue de façon professionnelle, rendez-vous sur la page Devenir Facilitateur.trice.
Toutes les formations continues sont proposées par des facilitateurs répertoriés sur Voice Dialogue Europe. Certaines formations peuvent être proposées en collaboration avec d'autres formateurs ou facilitateurs.
Pour les formations internationales, voir Voice Dialogue International - Trainings.