content: Continuing Education Workshops for Facilitators

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Voice Dialogue Continuing Education in Austria

Voice Dialogue - Theorie und Praxis


Jede/jeder, die an diesem Seminar teilnimmt erhält eine persönliche Sitzung. Die anderen schauen zu, notieren Fragen. Anhand dieser Fragen erläutere ich den theoretischen Hintergrund und wir diskutieren über grundlegende Begriffe.

Practical infos

Date: 4 Abende
Duration: 8 Stunden
Location: online,Switzerland / Germany / Austria
Price: 320 sfr


Susanna Lerch

If you want to know more about paths towards pursuing Voice Dialogue as a profession, go to the page Become a facilitator.

All continuing education workshops are offered by facilitators listed on Voice Dialogue Europe. Some training may be offered in cooperation with other teachers/facilitators.

For international trainings and workshops go to Voice Dialogue International - Trainings.