content: Corsi in Voice Dialogue

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Corsi e Seminari in Uk

Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training


This experiential, process-oriented training is designed to provide a comprehensive grounding in the theory and practice of Voice Dialogue. It will give participants a powerful new tool that will complement their existing practice and enhance their ability to work with clients on a wide range of issues.

Each course is limited to 4 participants and is open to therapists, counsellors, coaches, health care practitioners and anyone working in the area of personal growth and development.

The training is structured over 4 workshops totalling 11 days, spaced over one year. It includes:

Workshop 1 - The Foundations: The theoretical framework and the basic methodology

Workshop 2 – Voice Dialogue and Relationships

Workshop 3 – The Inner-Critic, Dreams and Physical Symptoms

Workshop 4 – Beyond the Selves: Voice Dialogue as a psycho-spiritual practice

Each workshop will include supervised facilitation, demonstrations and personal feedback. After each workshop participants wil

Informazioni pratiche

Data: To be decided by participants
Durata: 60 11 1
Luogo: Kew, West London,Uk
Prezzo: £2975


John: +44 (0) 79411413777



Se vuoi saperne di più sui percorsi per perseguire il Voice Dialogue come professione, vai alla pagina Diventa un Facilitatore.

Tutti gli aggiornamenti professionali sono offerte da facilitatori iscritti a Voice Dialogue Europe. Alcuni corsi possono essere offerti in collaborazione con altri insegnanti/facilitatori.

Per formazioni internazionali vedi Voice Dialogue International - Trainings.