Trauma Training based on Voice Dialogue & the Energies of Selves
Most of our clients, and ourselves, have experienced trauma. There are many ways of working with trauma in the world today. Using Voice Dialogue brings new insights and healings.
Participants say: "Truly masterful teaching! I am truly blown away by this training, and wish that every Voice Dialogue Facilitator would take it.”
"This method is essential for working with trauma."
"An exceptional and meaningful training... Extraordinary... Generous... Brilliant..."
Datum: 8 weeks (March 2-April 20) OR 4 days (April 14-17)
Dauer: 24 hours total 8 weeks or 4 full days
Veranstaltungsort: ONLINE,Germany / Estonia / Ne / France / Italy
Preis: $840, Early Bird, by February 10; Full Fee, after February 10, $940
Judith Hendin, +1 610-330-9778
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Alle Ausbildungen werden von Begleiter/innen angeboten, die auf Voice Dialogue Europe eingetragen. zum Teil in Kooperation mit anderen.
Für internationale Aus- und Fortbildungen siehe Voice Dialogue International - Trainings.